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Sebastian, A Sick Witch

Welcome, fellow Sick Witches! My name is Sebastian, and I will be your guide on this magickal and empowering journey.
I am a queer disabled writer, tarot reader, and maker of teas living with PTSD and autism. I have been a Celtic Wiccan since I was 12 years old, and a practicing witch of 3 years. I draw my spiritual solace and practice from the magick of my Celtic ancestry. I grew up in the Irish Catholic tradition by skeptical but fearful folks, so I have spent most of my life "in the broom closet," so to speak.
As I see it, my responsibilities as a witch include being of service to others, sharing my healing magick with folks, and taking tangible, earthly action to further the causes and populations I care most about. And I aim to support and motivate you all to engage in magick in your own way, using your incredible power to heal yourself, worship your body, connect with nature and affecting change in your community. Check out the blog and hit me up for a tarot reading. Follow me at @thesickwitch for more magick!
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