Based on requests I've been getting from you all over the past month, I have decided to start a Wicca 101 video series to share everything I know about the basics of Wicca and witchcraft! Yay! I also want to share my personal beliefs and practices with you all, as well, which will be covered in future videos. But first, I'm answering the basic question:
What does it mean to be a Wiccan?
Watch the video for more, and let me know what you guys think!
If this video's got you inspired to explore things further in the meantime, here are some ideas for getting started on your own path!
1) Begin researching deities (gods/goddesses) you'd be interested in learning more about. If you already have a deity in mind, such as Aphrodite or Demeter, read more about their mythology. If there's a particular pantheon you're interested in, explore deities from specific cultures or traditions. For example, I explored all deities in the Celtic pantheon when I began my Wiccan path because I have a lot of Celtic ancestry. Down the line, this can help you decide what deity/deities you'd like to work with in your Wiccan practice!
2) What pops up in your head first when you think about magick and your own personal journey with it? Are you interested in working with the crystals? Do you want to learn more about working with herbs or tarot cards? Start with an area of interest in your witchcraft studies to spark your craft and begin your engagement with magick.
3) Establish a sacred space in your home that is dedicated only to spiritual and magickal activities. I have a coffee table I use as an altar, but your altar or space can be anything from a meditation cushion to a shelf to a box of magickal items under your bed (aka a portable sacred space!).
4) Begin a daily meditation and/or journaling practice to get in the habit of grounding and remaining self aware.
5) Get familiar with the phases of the moon, and track how you feel during certain phases. Do you always seem to feel very emotional on the full moon? Are you less active during the waning moon period?
6) Connect with the elements through magickal or mundane activities. Strive to connect with all of the elements every day through these activities. For example:
To connect with Fire: light a candle, exercise
To connect with Water: visualize the day's worries being cleansed from your body in the shower, bless your drinking water
To connect with Earth: sit at the base of a tree, work with crystals or stones from outside
To connect with Air: Light incense, do a breathing exercise
To connect with Spirit: meditate, research deities
Stay tuned for the next episode!
Love you.